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Bug-A-Day Challenge 2016

For 2016 I've decided to take a page out of Noah Scalin's book and create something everyday for an entire year. I want to challenge myself to draw or create an insect everyday to help sharpen my skills as an artist and as a bug nerd. Most will be drawings, probably ACEOs (I tell myself now), but I won't restrict myself to just drawings. Also, I think I can count some of my other projects as having fulfilled the bug-a-day obligation I'm placing on myself (e.g. the mantispid book I'm working on), it should count! I'll post them here to help hold myself accountable, but realize posting everyday, even though I intend to complete projects everyday, is probably unrealistic. I'll post as often as I can. Just setting my ground rules and loopholes now, in the beginning :)

This page will serve as photo gallery only. 
Each project has its own individual post should you want to read more about it.
(Links to posts are below the pics)

Day 1

Lacewing larva and aphid

Day 2

Day 3

Mantis eats grasshopper

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Day 8

Day 9

Day 10

Day 11

Day 12

Day 13

Day 14

Day 15

Day 16

Day 17

Day 18

Day 19

Day 20

Day 21

Day 22

Day 23

Day 24

Day 25

Crane Fly

Day 26

Day 27

Day 28

Day 29

Day 30

Cladonota apicalis Treehopper

Day 32

Day 34

Day 35

Day 36

Mayfly on lotus

Day 37

Day 38

Day 39

Day 40

Day 41

Day 42

Day 43

[Waiting for C to send photo]
Tiger beetle decapitates ants; philosophy follows.

Day 44

Day 45

Day 46

Day 47

Day 48

Day 49

Day 50

Day 51

Day 52

Day 53

Day 54

Day 55

Day 56

Day 57

Day 58

Day 59

Day 60

Day 61

Day 62

Day 63

Day 64

Day 65

Day 66

Day 67

The Completed Twelve Inch Ruler:

Day 68

Day 69

Day 70

Tiger Beetle Three-ring Binder (my new portfolio)

Day 71

Mantispid serves as divider decor in the binder above

Day 72

Leaf-footed Bug serves as divider decor in the binder above

Day 73

Day 74

Day 75

Day 76

Day 77


Regrettably, I must put Bug-A-Day on indefinite hold. Between my new job and a sick kitty I have fallen way behind! So perhaps I will still complete 365 bugs...just not consecutively... :/

Day 78 (Day 1 CS)

I've picked up Bug-A-Day again using the Creative Sprint April 2016 prompts...

Day 79 (Day 2 CS)

Day 80 (Day 3 CS)

Ant Trail

Day 81 (Day 4 CS)

Day 82 (Day 5 CS)

Day 83 (Day 6 CS)

Day 84 (Day 7 CS)

Day 85 (Day 8 CS)

Day 86 (Day 9 CS)

After Another Long Diapause (June 12, 2016)

I'm trying to pick back up where I left off on the 30-day Creative Sprint challenge. Maceo's illness and then death, coupled with new job fatigue, really knocked me off the wagon.

A few of these that I'll be posting today were completed in April (out of order it seems) but never posted. I had skipped a couple at the time which I have now completed in June, and will go forward one a day from where I left off on Day 16 (Day 15 was the last one I did in April on the 16th as I needed a distraction. Day 16's prompt just killed me at the time and then I stopped). I suppose today I need a distraction, too.

Day 87 (Day 10 CS)

Day 88 (Day 11 CS)

Day 89 (CS Day 12)

Day 90 (CS Day 13)

Day 91 (CS Day 14)

Day 92 (CS Day 15)

Day 93 (CS Day 16)

Day 94 (CS Day 17)


When a friend asked me to name a favorite insect I replied:

The tiger beetle
Mantispids are another
Mantids, can't deny
My favorite's hard to pin
Can't even choose an Order!

On discovering my beloved mantids belonged with vile roaches on the cladogram:

Preying mantids may
be predatory
elongated cockroaches,
I pray not show revulsion

Day 95 (CS Day 18)

Leaf Mimic Walking Stick made of leaves

Day 96 (CS Day 19)

Day 97 (CS Day 20)

Pleasing Fungus Beetle

Day 98 (CS Day 21)

Day 99 (CS Day 22)

"Do whatever you want today but do it in a public place - a park, library, coffee shop - get someone to take a photo of you doing it"

Day 100 (CS Day 23)

"Make a disguise and take a picture of yourself wearing it. Bonus: Get someone to take a picture of you wearing it in public"

Mantis Mask - yes, I tried it on

Day 101 (CS Day 24)

"Take something that you made with you wherever you go today. Take pictures of it in different places or with different people throughout the day"

Day 102 (CS Day 25)

Day 103 (CS Day 26)

Day 104 (CS Day 27)

Day 105 (CS Day 28)

Day 106 (CS Day 29)

Day 107 (CS Day 30)


  1. Do you like Mecynorhina Ugandensis? They've become more popular as pets and some people become hobbyist breeders as well as pet owners. I want to breed them so I can discover different color patterns and variations.

    1. Hi there- yes, the Mecynorhina genus has many beautiful species. Good luck with your breeding project, feel free to post some pics of them :)


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